0 s- e2 v% B6 y. b0 g
& H$ u# K! @! v6 M; U, H: v
0 b4 w- O, T; S5 I; o去找Leo前已经先跟现在的室友串好。室友佛得不行,说只要过得了我这关的他都OK。不由感叹何德何能遇到这么好说话的室友。
* Y4 L! K" j# b' i% ?% D跟Leo就不一样了。我们特别约了个周日的下午,去到他的小实验室,俩人坐在电脑前,一起找。隆重得不行。
8 Q8 K- Z% s- l9 |; y) vLeo还是很自然地把脚伸过来,一只放衣服里,一只放外面。还好不太需要打字,我一只手帮他按,另一只手操作鼠标。过了一会儿我收集到了几个觉得还行的,单独开了几页,觉得可以让Leo看看。于是我拍拍他小腿:
. C; v/ f! K; l& g4 S5 [* Q“Hey how do feel about this one?"
. H8 W2 Z. d1 z0 J5 v+ NLeo挪过来,扫了一眼,很快就说:
# o& f# y0 x8 n2 M% Q; W- _"It's too far away from most engineering buildings"6 i- K' u9 {7 H1 g
2 T1 L9 P/ U4 {“Hold on I have a few candidates here"
; L8 k1 P% w' \/ Z9 N+ S; b' l6 yLeo又凑过来,我稍微往旁边挪了一下给他腾出空间。看了一会儿,Leo开始给出评语:
: e" x8 n; _, t" N. @“This one is too close to a fire station. Unless you enjoyed listening to those sirens all day long you'd be better off going somewhere else. The one on X and Y has a floorplan very similar to my current one. It is good for hosting parties and stuffs but the rooms are tiny. Third one the property management sucks. Just Google them and you'll see"全员脆拒,潇洒地回去了。& T' O, n+ ?+ i
吐吐舌头,再接再厉。又折腾了几次,结果都差不多,被各种刁钻古怪的理由否决,太旧,太高,太闹,太偏僻,暖气锅炉太靠近卧室。。。不一而足。' C; r+ B0 B Q4 Z @& i6 _1 c
/ _4 O5 } v8 w“We might end up staying there for 2 years. It's worth the extra efforts"
' |/ |2 t9 N) h$ I& g听完之后好像心情又好点儿,一边背对着他趴在桌上,一边腾出一只手帮他按摩。特别调整了下姿势,能看到他的脚,而且离得特别近。袜子白白的,脚掌处较厚,没有一丝印记,脚背那里大概是透气设计吧,连血管都仿佛清晰可见。脚趾翘起,随着我手的动作微动着,离鼻尖那么近,仿佛下一秒就会调皮地凑过来。轻轻深吸一口气,终于捕捉到一些空气中Leo气味,仍是那么令我着迷。味道转瞬即逝,再吸却淡了许多,仿佛知道我的心思,淘气地在鼻尖打转,就是不进去,让我心痒痒。
. A) {6 Y. D5 d8 v; z' s a8 }7 H X. N/ a
" m( @1 G1 F. [) j. Y: D' A发了会儿呆,神游之际,肚子挨了一脚。倒是不重,我回过头,疑惑地看着Leo。他指指屏幕,眼神跟包工头赶工似的:5 U3 h- n/ X2 K( l( q9 q
"Don't slack off! We need to find somewhere to stay"
7 o2 j7 b. h4 |"But you just rejected all my proposals"4 u! Q: h c5 k
"Because they all had something wrong"可能是看我快要翻白眼了,又补充道:“But I think you were getting better at this towards the end. Some of your last candidates were much closer to what we have been looking for than those initial ones. So you should really keep going while you still got the gist of it"
, F% O2 U, r: e8 U! |2 D1 k: C. o"I honestly would be fine with whatever passes your scrutiny so maybe-"还想挣扎一下,但话没说完,Leo的眼睛已经完弯成了一个危险的弧度,吞了下口水,立马改口:“Maybe I'll keep looking. There are so many of them I haven't gotten a chance to take a look at" `0 S( o4 G* |3 t% H
. }2 H( f( v; F# l"So bossy..."
+ N% H: M7 g( f: Y"What was that?"2 q. O, x8 e: C4 N& q4 w
"No nothing. Was just trying to dissect what I did right and wrong. You can review what I have later on"
6 B- [) x* l- o' `0 W' K. X$ [) N/ m7 e+ a X5 C2 ?6 G. e
" k( ?9 Y/ P# }9 H. j, M" ?
# D. p$ N5 ~; u, j- E1 \2 ^
) x. {2 d4 |# R) ~; Q' c- j- ^/ X; D& X. ?& Y" {
5 `" a" }# s9 q% y. r0 i( W7 ] @"Are these the best candidates we have?"
" d3 \! L, O F- R6 d0 o: s! C, VLeo点点头:
2 z' l4 ^5 F5 \' N"I'm reasonably confident that we'd be fine choosing from these A-listers. The ones in group B are slightly more iffy. But I can't rule them out completely yet"
' d, n N# E0 T0 K! z"So do we start touring the ones in group A?"/ R3 ]2 }, t1 B1 c- m( U q* r
! g1 h5 N9 I: x"Here's the plan. We're going to tour these in group A together. As for these in group B, however, I want you to go check them out. Just make sure you look thoroughly and take good pictures if necessary"
/ S1 R; z0 d6 \. o7 m“Huh? Only me? Why?"7 a6 v# ^ A' g; u4 M) Q9 ]
+ |6 _- E7 M% ]. C+ @# }" R2 h"Seems like you're sometimes salty about how you've always been the first one to start homeworks and reports. I wanna make it right this time by taking the lead instead. I'll work on our homework when you go explore our options"/ c8 L2 H2 x% H
x& T& K7 r9 _+ [# d# A"I don't think I was ever salty - I could be a bit upset due to the amount of work I had to do yes. But it feels like I just traded my portion for something else instead of doing less...?"
2 l1 w, {2 g) \! h"You'd still have the chance to do both if you wanted"
6 e9 W( Q+ I2 U3 w8 R+ A' Y果然人不要脸天下无敌,我捏捏Leo的脚:
- q/ W; A6 l( Y/ y“Fine fine I'll go tour those B listers. I'll count on you for homework?"& p- a8 Y. {' X- a0 ~* B" |1 ]
0 I1 A& j- \" Z) {% t3 R; ^“Unless we have better options? I'll start reaching out to group A tomorrow and let you know once I have something scheduled. I think I know roughly when both of us should be available. You can do the same for B group at your own pace, but try to have something done by end of the week. Deal?"
7 o8 Q* s3 g- R8 g R"Sounds good. Can I take a closer look at your table though?"
! t3 n( q/ z* V' X"I'll email that to you. One sec"9 U; T& c, K @* T5 R& o# g
4 R) ^2 w/ [7 i+ z: b! g. s3 R
6 I& U* c6 R; m
. [6 i6 w! D& E S, R3 Q
5 A8 m; r- N% R* Y' |8 x0 i
( [3 g) ^/ J3 p) R! t心里有底了。毕竟,炒房基因是咱自带的,看房子这事儿,怎么能输给老美呢,你说是吧。
- O% L" p- e8 g
- J& d6 j- F) T R8 J- \4 I6 n |