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亚洲GAY片 今日: 38 |主题: 18742|排名: 4 

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[泰国] Bangkok Dormitory Boys(无码) geordie 2008-1-16 16:00 816667 umaja 2008-2-21 04:24
[日本] [KO-Suprised!][著名男优-高杉瞬]出演系列的经典日片总结如下,喜爱的请收藏!  ...2 sunny2008 2008-1-12 17:06 1615445 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:34
[日本] new Smart 15th 07年12月15日 agree geordie 2008-1-12 01:20 54633 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:28
[泰国] 经典5P,最帅的男人 attachment  ...23456..14 sunny2008 2008-1-10 11:09 13960257 sYpEu 2021-7-4 17:04
[日本] 【胖熊】【有码不喜勿入】變態診療所  ...2 1977smallman 2008-1-8 17:23 1510855 dannychan 2018-10-13 11:45
[日本] 【日本眼鏡斯文胖熊有碼】偉丈夫パパベスト  ...2 1977smallman 2008-1-8 15:43 1610723 yyy641231 2024-1-15 11:13
[日本] 帥哥 agree  ...2 chinaboy 2008-1-8 00:44 136492 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:25
[日本] 帅哥等你来舔哦!! sunny2008 2008-1-2 19:08 85533 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:25
[日本] 日本多部帥哥G片,要頂哦 digest  ...23456..44 sunny2008 2008-1-2 11:24 438161993 森森02 2022-4-3 00:26
[日本] 帅哥面试体检 射了很多 agree  ...23456 和风一起 2007-12-31 01:04 5733763 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:24
[日本] Japan-pic 脫-體育教師 agree  ...2 mazhao1122 2007-12-31 00:05 1410016 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:24
[日本] 老片经典大收集!! sunny2008 2007-12-30 12:24 711534 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:24
[日本] HUNTER (up to today) 10全 agree  ...234 sunny2008 2007-12-30 12:11 3313645 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:24
[日本] Surprise-超男子系列 agree sunny2008 2007-12-30 12:08 57396 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:23
[日本] 感官刺激大合集!! agree  ...2 sunny2008 2007-12-30 12:05 1211103 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:22
[日本] COAT公司的Only Shining Star系列大全 digest agree  ...23456..17 sunny2008 2007-12-30 10:50 164123330 Rick88 2021-7-6 01:32
[日本] 元旦前夕G片大赏!!!-第七季 agree  ...2 sunny2008 2007-12-28 15:48 127891 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:21
[日本] 元旦前夕G片大赏!!!-第六季 agree sunny2008 2007-12-28 15:47 45744 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:21
[日本] 元旦前夕G片大赏!!!-第五季 agree sunny2008 2007-12-28 15:45 66825 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:21
[日本] 元旦前夕G片大赏!!!-第四季 agree sunny2008 2007-12-28 15:43 65641 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:21
[日本] 元旦前夕G片大赏!!!-第三季  ...2 sunny2008 2007-12-28 15:42 126965 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:20
[日本] 元旦前夕G片大赏!!!-第二季 agree sunny2008 2007-12-28 15:41 96334 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:20
[日本] 元旦前夕G片大赏!!!-第一季 agree  ...2 sunny2008 2007-12-28 15:36 148450 XiaoYaoBro 2023-1-16 03:20
[泰国] Xtreme Training Sessions Volume 5 geordie 2007-12-23 22:25 58993 caps2005 2012-11-19 00:52
[泰国] Xtreme Training Sessions Volume 8  ...2 geordie 2007-12-23 22:24 107540 qephqfnz 2018-5-24 13:27
[泰国] Island Caprice Studios - Xtreme Training Sessions Vol. 9 geordie 2007-12-23 22:23 78526 阿木哥 2009-10-4 10:37
[泰国] Island Caprice Studios - Slippery Stuff geordie 2007-12-23 22:21 66892 阿木哥 2009-10-27 09:26
[泰国] Island Caprice Studios - Coconuts & Candysticks geordie 2007-12-23 22:19 77618 22620 2010-1-23 23:12
[泰国] Island Caprice - Caught In The Act 35 geordie 2007-12-23 22:18 57247 阿木哥 2009-10-4 10:28
[泰国] [Raging Stallion] Afternoon Delight (2007)  ...2 geordie 2007-12-23 22:17 1010005 sfsq 2008-11-2 19:35
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